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  • The Norwegian Refugee Council will provide financial support to relocated Ukrainian businesses – Yuliia Svyrydenko The Ministry of Economy has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Norwegian Refugee Council on the provision of financial assistance to relocated businesses. On behalf of the Ministry of Economy, the document was signed by First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy Yuliia Svyrydenko, on the Norwegian side – by Roberto Vila Sexto, Country Director for Ukraine, the Norwegian Refugee Council.
  • Схвалено план гуманітарного розмінування сільгоспземель в 9 регіонах України
    Plan for humanitarian demining of agricultural lands in 9 regions of Ukraine was approved Action Plan for humanitarian demining of agricultural lands was approved at the meeting of the National Mine Action Authority participated by Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
  • Україна та Велика Британія підписали Угоду про цифрову торгівлю
    Ukraine and the United Kingdom sign a Digital Trade Agreement Today, on 20 March, the Digital Trade Agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was signed. The Agreement provides a legal framework for the greater development of the digital economy – from E-commerce to Cybersecurity – and trading in digital products and services between Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
  • Since the beginning of 2023, businesses have received affordable loans worth UAH 18.2 billion Over 500 entrepreneurs received loans under the government's “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%” programme last week, totalling UAH 2.4 billion. Since the beginning of 2023, banks have issued 5,600 loans worth UAH 18.2 billion for businesses. Since the start of the programme (February 2020), 58.5 thousand loans worth UAH 184 billion have been issued.
  • Deregulation: Government cancels outdated instruments The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended a number of resolutions as part of economic deregulation. In accordance with the recommendations of the IWG on the accelerated review of state instruments for regulating economic activity, the Government's decision approved at its meeting on 17 March 2023 cancelled outdated instruments.

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