State sites of Ukraine
Ministry of Economy
Information resources
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Home / Site map
Site map
- Draft Documents Discussion
- Strategic objectives
- Top-priority reforms
- Cooperation with countries worldwide
- Free Trade Agreement
- Information on the Summit and exhibitions on chemical safety and security in the town of Keltse (Poland)
- Reference materials
- Termination of the former Soviet Union standards (GOST) on the territory of Ukraine
- Reports on Completion of Regional Development Agreements
- About ministry
- Electronic database regarding assistance in development (DAD Ukraine)
- Bilateral Ukraine-EU Agencies–due to Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
- Legislation on financial monitoring
- Information and Reference materials on cooperation with MFO
- Non-tariff regulations
- Legal framework
- Ukraine and EU Agreement on Assistance to EU
- Information on WTO Inquiry and notification processing
- Management of the National Economy Sector
- Legislative framework
- Regulatory basis on technical assistance issues
- Privatization
- Legislative acts
- Note to the entities of the initial financial monitoring
- WTO Member States
- State Fund of regional development
- Information on news from WTO member-states
- Information on international exhibitions and fairs in 2015 in the countries all over the world
- Regulations of the European Commission on EU assitance
- Bilateral agencies of the Ukraine and EU association
- Activity
- Humanitarian Demining
- Regional Trade Agreements
- Ukraine is a candidate country for EU membership
- Programs and Plans of Economic and Social Development
- Ukraine & WTO
- Economic Situation and Macroeconomic Framework
- Export development
- Ukraine – UK economic cooperation
- Public - private Partnerships
- Trade protection
- Trade Development
- Investment policy and International investment cooperation
- Foreign economic activity
- Technical regulations
- Labour migration
- Processing of complaints regarding the decision of the authorized agency on elimination of violations of the state regulatory policy principles
- Regulatory basis on cooperation with MFO
- Feedback
- Advertising on different exhibitions and fairs in the countries all over the world
- Acting instruments and Programs of EU assistance (2207-2013)
- Development of Real Sector of Economy
- Regional development agreements
- Clarifications of the National service on financial monitoring of Ukraine
- Implementation of the state regulatory policy in the area of economic activity
- Activity of Joint intergovernmental commissions
- Montenegro
- National Agency of standardization
- Tariff Schedules of WOT Member States
- Exhibition and Fair arrangements of the CIS countries in 2015
- Information and Reference materials on ITA
- List on organizations-performers who claimed tax credits
- Press center
- List of Technical Committees on Standardization (Archive as for January 1, 2015)
- Notification on publication of draft regulatory acts
- Doha round
- Information on international exhibitions in Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan)
- Israel
- Clarifications and recommendations of the Ministry of economic development
- Pricing and Fee Policy
- EU assistance in 2014-2020
- Appeals
- Actual Price for Oil (Petrol) and Condensate Marketing
- Additional information on EU assistance
- Bali package of agreements
- Reports on tracking performance of the passed regulatory acts
- Information on International exhibitions and fairs in the second half-year period of 2015 in the countries all over the world
- Certificates on specifications of the enterprises (technical specifications are not registered)
- Business
- Ukrainian House in Peking (P.R.China)
- Catalogue on regulatory documents as for January 1, 2015
- Prevention of Corruption
- Actual Price for Natural Gas Marketing
- Draft regulatory acts, their analysis and other accompanying documents
- Information on permanent display mart of the Ukrainian goods in Salonika, Greece
- Average customs value of imported natural gas obtained in the process of its customs clearance during importing on the territory of Ukraine
- Orders on Technical Committees of Standardization (Archive as for January 1, 2015)
- Contacts
- Letters of notification on state procurement monitoring
- Work program on National standardization
- Value of corrective coefficient applied to rent rate in case of tariff changes on transportation of one ton of oil (petrol) through main Oil Pipes
- Adoption and Cancelation of National Standards (Archive as for January 1, 2015)
- Access to Public Information
- Statistics