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  • We count on Korea’s significant contribution to the reconstruction of Ukraine – Yuliia Svyrydenko Ukraine expects that Korean companies known for their experience in implementing infrastructure projects will actively contribute to the restoration of the country. This was stated by First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko in her speech at the Korea-Ukraine Business Forum in Seoul.
  • Угода з Кореєю
    Ukraine to attract loan funds from Korea on extremely preferential terms On May 17, in the framework of the Asian Leadership Conference a ceremony was held to sign a Preliminary Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Korea on loans from the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF), a special division of the Korea Export-Import Bank (KEXIM). The ceremony was attended by Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
  • єРобота: Уряд надасть 77 млн грн мікрогрантів на старт або розвиток бізнесу
    eRobota: Government to provide UAH 77 million in microgrants for business start-up or development The state will provide 323 Ukrainians with microgrants for business start-up and development under the Vlasna Sprava program worth UAH 77 million based on the results of the sixth wave of applications. Microgrants have been provided to 1,555 entrepreneurs since the beginning of 2023. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Tetiana Berezhna.
  • Participation of Korean business in Ukraine’s recovery to be another step towards strengthening bilateral relations – Yuliia Svyrydenko In 2023, USD 14 billion will be needed for the rapid recovery of Ukraine. In particular, priority areas for cooperation between Ukraine and Korea are: electricity and hydrogen, production of energy equipment, development of green metallurgy, logistics, production of lithium and batteries, electric cars and urban transport. Ukraine is interested in the extensive involvement of Korean business in the implementation of joint investment projects for the reconstruction of Ukraine and the restoration of its economy.
  • Тенденція до скорочення розриву в оплаті праці жінок та чоловіків в Україні  має стати стійкою та незворотньою
    Tendency to reduce the pay gap between women and men in Ukraine should become sustainable and irreversible The Government is focused on making the tendency to reduce the gender pay gap sustainable and irreversible. This was stated by First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko during the presentation of the National Strategy for Eliminating the Gender Pay Gap in Ukraine until 2030, which took place with the participation of First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska and representatives of relevant ministries.

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