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  • Французький бізнес готовий інвестувати у відновлення України
    French businesses willing to invest in Ukraine's recovery Priority objectives for the development of the Ukrainian economy, mechanisms for stimulating investment and prospects for increasing the presence of French business in Ukraine. These and other issues were raised during a meeting between Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Oleksii Sobolev and Director General for Globalisation, Culture, Education and International Development at the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Aurélien Lechevallier and Ambassador of France to Ukraine Gael Vessier.
  • Локалізація
    Ukraine will increase the localization of its own production, in particular, in the defence industry: Yuliia Svyrydenko Increasing the localization of the production of defence products will become a driving force for the growth of the Ukrainian economy. This can be achieved in a short time. This opinion was expressed by Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister – the Minister of Economy of Ukraine, during a meeting with William Taylor, Vice President of the US Institute of Peace, on March 12.
  • Меморандум
    Ukraine signs Memorandum on Bridge Financing for Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility On 12 March 2024, Ukraine and the European Union signed the Memorandum on Bridge Financing for Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility and a relevant loan agreement. The signatories on behalf of Ukraine were First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy Yuliia Svyrydenko, Minister of Finance Serhii Marchenko and Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Andrii Pyshnyi.
  • Компенсації на 3 мільярди гривень. Фермери отримають від держави гроші на гуманітарне розмінування
    Compensation for 3 billion hryvnias. Farmers will receive money from the state for humanitarian demining The Government has approved the procedure for compensating farmers for humanitarian demining of agricultural lands. The relevant resolution, developed by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, has been adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine at today’s meeting.
  • єОселя: 8 000 українських родин взяли кредити на придбання житла
    eOselia: 8,000 Ukrainian families received loans for the purchase of housing 8,000 Ukrainian families received loans for the purchase of housing under the eOselia programme for a total of UAH 12.2 billion. A quarter of the loans issued since the beginning of 2024 are for the purchase of apartments from the developer: ready-made or under construction. Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Nadiia Bihun informed about this.

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