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Ukraine has approved the concept of the National Pavilion at the World Expo 2020 in Dubai


On December 6, 2018 the second session of the Coordination Committee for the preparation of Ukraine’s participation in the World Expo 2020 was held and chaired by First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv.

It is commonly known that in February 2017 the Government approved the decision on Ukraine’s participation in the World Expo 2020 and the construction of own national pavilion of approximately 1,035.03 sq. m. at the site of 1,652.46 sq. m.

“Expo is an event of the Olympic Games scale for the countries. Expo usually demonstrates the development of innovations, high technologies, investment proposals and projects. Creativity and modernity are the main trend that the exhibition organizers wish to show and Ukraine can become one of Expo favorites. The concept of the national pavilion of Ukraine should clearly show that Ukraine and its products are modern and high-tech. Please remember this during the preparatory work”, emphasized Stepan Kubiv.

Among the proposed presentation concepts of Ukraine, the Coordination Committee chose the concept “Smart Ukraine: connecting dots” (Smart Ukraine: uniting the world), which according to the Coordination Committee is most closely associated with the general concept of Expo 2020 “Combining Thoughts, Creating the Future: Mobility, Sustainability and Opportunities”.

“Ukraine has a unique human capital with innovative and creative thinking which is able to combine technological solutions with the traditional production of goods and services. These are not only system IT solutions, but also solutions for energy, agricultural industry, small and medium-sized businesses operating in different areas. It is necessary to present this in a single pavilion in an organic way so that visitors can appreciate true quality and innovation”, emphasized Stepan Kubov during the discussion of the national pavilion concept.

Further preparatory works on Ukraine’s participation in Expo 2020 will involve the approval of the schedule and the implementation of pre-design, design works and coordination of the results with Expo 2020 Organizing Committee. This includes holding three stages of open tender for the construction of the national pavilion, works on internal decoration, ensuring the work of the exhibition in 2020, as well as maintenance, operation and dismantling of the pavilion.

In order to fulfill the functions of the Directorate for the preparation of Ukraine’s participation in Expo 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine expects to create state-owned enterprise “Expo 2020”.

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