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Almost 700 Enterprises Moved to Safe Regions as Part of the Relocation Program

Since the start of the relocation program, 692 companies have already moved to a new location, of which 484 have started working. 

The largest share of companies (24.6%) moves from regions of active hostilities to Lviv Oblast. Businesses also move to Zakarpattia (16.1%), Chernivtsi (11.4%), Ternopil (7.6%), Dnipropetrovsk (7.4%) and Ivano-Frankivsk (7.3%) oblasts.

Among the relocated enterprises that have already resumed their activities, the largest share is companies involved in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (39% of the total number), processing industry (33%), information and telecommunications (6%), professional, scientific and technical activities (5%).

In total, Ukrainian entrepreneurs have submitted 1,769 applications for relocation of production facilities through the digital interaction platform.

“The relocation program is comprehensive support for enterprises on their way to resuming their activities. And it does not end after the physical relocation of all production facilities. The state helps with the installation of equipment and setting up activities. Together with entrepreneurs, we look for places where it is profitable to purchase raw materials and hire skilled personnel, how to build logistics and where to sell manufactured products and also provide support in building export chains. The work of business is extremely important in wartime, so we are making every effort to ensure that entrepreneurs have comfortable conditions to recover,” said Tetiana Berezhna Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine. 

We would like to remind you that any companies located in areas of active hostilities can participate in the relocation program. Applications for participation are accepted at the following link:


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