Grants to veterans: 200 million UAH in grants from the state will be given to veterans and members of their families for business development
03.04.2024 | 15:54 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations
Forty-seven winners have been determined from the fifth wave of veteran grant applications in 2024. They will receive UAH 21 million from the state to start or develop their business. Since the start of the veteran component of the Vlasna Sprava (Own business) grant programme, 454 veterans and family members of combatants have already become winners, in total they will receive grants worth UAH 200 million. This was announced by Tetiana Berezhna, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
“47 veterans and their spouses were recognized as winners of the fifth wave of the veteran component of the Vlasna Sprava (Own Business) programme this year. The state invests in starting or scaling up their business through grants of UAH 21 million. In total, 454 veterans and members of their families have already received a positive decision on giving a grant from the start of this area of the programme for a total amount of UAH 200 million. A third of these entrepreneurs will establish new companies, others will develop existing businesses. During the implementation of their business projects, they will create a thousand new jobs,” Tetiana Berezhna said.
Among the 47 winners of this year’s fifth wave of grant applications are 27 combatants and 20 family members of veterans. 37 winners received a grant of up to 500,000 UAH, 10 – up to 250,000 UAH.
Most of the grant recipients are from the Ivano-Frankivsk, Sumy, Ternopil, and Cherkasy oblasts. The most popular areas in which the grant recipients plan to develop their business are wholesale and retail trade, temporary accommodation and organization of catering, processing industry, agriculture, provision of other types of services.
According to the terms of the programme, combatants or persons with disabilities as a result of war, as well as their spouses, may receive the following grants:
- up to UAH 250,000, up to UAH 500,000 and up to UAH 1 million – for a veteran, provided that one, two and four jobs are created, respectively;
- up to UAH 250,000 and up to UAH 500,000 – for a spouse of a veteran, provided that one and two jobs are created, respectively.
When receiving a grant from UAH 500,000 to UAH 1 million, a veteran must be registered as a individual entrepreneur for at least 3 years. In addition, such a grant is provided under the condition of co-financing with the recipient in the ratio of 70/30, that is, the recipient of the grant must invest 30% of his own funds in his business, 70% of the funds will be provided by the state in the form of a grant.
Grant applications are submitted through the Diia portal along with a business plan.
As a reminder, the eRobota Government project includes grant programmes aimed at stimulating entrepreneurial activity and job creation. In particular, these are micro-grant programmes for opening or developing one’s own business, grants for the creation and development of processing enterprises, planting a garden and viticulture, and greenhouse farming. Both active entrepreneurs and people with no business experience may apply for a grant. Currently, applications are being accepted for all areas of the eRobota programme. The application is submitted through the Diia portal.