eRobota: More than 14,000 entrepreneurs received grants for business development from the state
07.03.2024 | 18:24 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations
More than 14,000 entrepreneurs have received grants to start or develop their businesses under the Government’s eRobota project. In total, the state has invested UAH 7.1 billion in entrepreneurship through grants since the start of the project. This was announced by Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
“More than 14,000 Ukrainians have benefited from financial support from the state in the form of grants to start or expand their businesses under the eRobota project. Since July 2022, the country has invested a total of UAH 7.1 billion in entrepreneurship development through grants. These are investments in the development of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises and the creation of more than 40,000 new jobs in all regions of the country. I would like to note that the grant recipients have already returned part of these investments through taxes and fees paid to the budget in the amount of almost UAH 2.5 billion,” Yuliia Svyrydenko said.
In total, since the launch of the eRobota project in July 2022:
- 13,006 microgrants for amount of UAH 3.1 billion have been issued under the Vlasna Sprava (Own Business) programme;
- for the development of processing enterprises - 633 grants for the amount of UAH 3.2 billion;
- for horticulture and greenhouse development - 163 grants for the amount of UAH 723 million;
- 280 grants for UAH 116 million were issued to veterans and their families.
Both operating entrepreneurs and people with no business experience may apply for a grant. Applications are submitted through the Diia portal along with a business plan. A prerequisite for receiving a grant is the creation of new jobs - from 1-2 in case of a microgrant to several dozen in case of grants under other programmes. The grant funds are returned to the state in the form of taxes and fees paid in the course of the company’s operations within three years.
Information on how to apply for a grant under the Vlasna Sprava (Own Business) programme can be found on the programme’s website at https://vlasnasprava
The eRobota project was launched by the Government in July 2022 to support businesses and stimulate job creation. It includes several grant programmes. In particular, these are microgrants programmes for starting or developing businesses, grants for veterans and their spouses, grants for the creation and development of processing enterprises, planting a garden and viticulture, and greenhouse farming.