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One year of eOselia programme: more than 3,600 Ukrainian families received loans to purchase housing

Рік дії програми єОселя: понад 3 600 українських родин отримали кредити на придбання житла

During the first year of the eOselia programme, 3,641 Ukrainian families received mortgage loans totalling UAH 5.2 billion. This was reported by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economy Yuliia Svyrydenko.

"On 1 October last year, the Government launched the eOselia programme to provide Ukrainians with affordable housing loans. Over the year, more than 3,600 Ukrainian families have received such loans totalling UAH 5.2 billion. More than 70% of them are families of military and security personnel who can take out a loan at 3%. As well as doctors, teachers, and scientists. Since August 1 this year, we have expanded the programme and now it is available to all Ukrainians who do not have their own housing or need to improve their living conditions. For them, mortgages are available at 7%. In two months, more than 220 Ukrainians have received loans worth UAH 360 million," said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

"The eOselia in Diia service has completely changed the approach to obtaining a mortgage. Instead of going to banks, filling in dozens of boxes in applications and collecting certificates, you just need to make a few clicks in the app. For example, thanks to eOselia, military personnel can apply wherever they are. One of the spouses fills out the application in Diia, and the other signs it with a digital signature in the app. Already 3641 families have been able to get new housing thanks to eOselia," said Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development and Minister of Digital Transformation.

Among the Ukrainians who have received loans under the eOselia programme are:

  • 2,577 military and security personnel, 420 teachers, 369 doctors and 55 scientists who received loans at 3%;
  • 204 Ukrainians without housing, 14 internally displaced persons and 2 veterans who received loans at 7%.

Most often, loans were taken to purchase housing on the secondary market (2,478 loans) and from a developer (1,140 in completed buildings and 23 in buildings under construction).

The majority of mortgage loans were taken out by residents of:

Kyiv Oblast - 980;

City of Kyiv - 552;

Rivne Oblast - 214;

Volyn Oblast - 210.

Today, the affordable lending programme is available to representatives of certain professions and citizens who do not own housing or want to improve its conditions. For contract servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, teachers, doctors and scientists, the preferential rate is 3% per annum. For other categories - combatants, veterans, IDPs, and other citizens - the mortgage rate is 7%.


The eOselia programme was launched in October last year. The programme is implemented by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine jointly with the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Ukrfinzhytlo. The partner banks of eOselia are Oschadbank, Privatbank, Ukrgasbank, Globus Bank, Sky Bank and Ukreximbank.

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