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The Ministry of Economy has started three-day consultations with the European Commission regarding the Plan of Ukraine within the framework of the Ukraine Facility

План України

On August 2, Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Economy of Ukraine, opened a series of meetings with the delegation of the European Union for joint work on the Plan of Ukraine provided for by the Ukraine Facility program for 2024-2027. During the visit, the EU delegation and the Government will work to detail and clarify the structure of the Plan, its individual provisions and the specifics of sectoral strategies.

On the Ukrainian side, the meeting was attended by Oleksii Sobolev, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Taras Kachka, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine — Trade Representative of Ukraine, representatives of the Government Office of European Integration, the Office of Reforms of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as well as representatives of the Kyiv School of Economics, the European delegation was headed by Marlene Rosemarie Madsen, Head of Unit of Economic and Sectoral Policies, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR), European Commission.

The work will cover such areas as macro-financial scenarios for the recovery of Ukraine, financial markets, human capital development and management of state-owned facilities, etc.

“During the three-day consultations, we must focus on how to build a partnership with the main stakeholders - the European Union, the European Commission, the G7 countries, in order to attract additional funding to key sectors, because USD 50 billion for four years will not cover Ukraine’s needs for reconstruction and recovery. The Plan of Ukraine is a program of actions, specific reforms and investment projects aimed at strengthening the economy, European integration, digitization, regional development,” Yuliia Svyrydenko said.

Thus, representatives of more than 20 central offices of executive authority, 11 analytical centers and consulting companies, as well as international partners (EU, IMF, World Bank, OECD) were involved in the work on the Plan. The preparation of each section of the Plan is the responsibility of inter-agency working groups coordinated by the Ministry of Economy with the support of the Kyiv School of Economics.

The representative of the European Commission Marlene Rosemarie Madsen noted that the Plan of Ukraine must be realistic so that it can be fully implemented, that is why it is important to maintain a balance. At the same time, Ukraine already has good achievements of the Plan in various sectors. She also noted that joint work on the Plan is an opportunity to help Ukraine, as a country that is part of the European family.

Yuliia Svyrydenko added that it would be useful for joint work to involve representatives of regional state administrations and local businesses in this process during the one-day conference. Private investments are directed to the development of the regions of Ukraine, therefore they are an important component of the Plan of Ukraine.

The first stage of the project will last until the end of October 2023. At this stage, proposals for the Plan of Ukraine, necessary for the implementation of the Ukraine Facility financial aid program from the European Commission, will be generated in the groups. According to the calculations, the program’s budget is EUR 50 billion, which Ukraine will receive during 2024-2027.

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