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Ukraine and Bulgaria look for a common solution to the grain issue – Yuliia Svyrydenko

Україна та Болгарія шукають спільне рішення щодо зернового питання, - Юлія Свириденко

On 19 April, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko had an online meeting with Minister of Economy and Industry of Bulgaria Nikola Stoyanov to discuss the temporary ban on grain and food imports from Ukraine introduced from today. The exception is the transit of Ukrainian agricultural products. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Bulgaria Olesia Ilashchuk also joined the meeting.

“Preserving and continuing grain exports is a sensitive and important issue for Ukraine, as it is the main source of revenue for the country’s budget. Our country is defending itself against armed aggression, and we need to maintain macroeconomic stability and provide finance for the social sector, military and economic fronts as never before. The Government of Ukraine aims to resolve the issue of a temporary ban on imports of Ukrainian grain to Bulgaria. We are engaged in a dialogue with the Bulgarian side on the reasons and prospects for a positive resolution of this situation for both countries,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

Minister Nikola Stoyanov, in turn, expressed solidarity with Ukraine over the situation the country is facing due to the full-scale invasion of the russian federation. At the same time, according to Minister Nikola Stoyanov, imports of Ukrainian grain and food make it difficult for local agricultural producers to sell their own products and they suffer losses. However, the ban does not extend to the transit of Ukrainian products through Bulgaria to the EU. Minister Nikola Stoyanov noted that Bulgaria was waiting for a decision that would ensure that Ukrainian products did not overload the local market but their exports to other countries were guaranteed.

The parties discussed important aspects of this issue, and the dialogue is currently ongoing. Next week, consultations on this matter will be held at the level of the Council of the European Union and its working bodies.

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