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Luxembourg to support small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine

Люксембург долучиться до підтримки малого й середнього бізнесу в Україні

Luxembourg is ready to join programs to support small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine and develop “green metallurgy”. This was discussed during a meeting between the First vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of the Economy Yuliia Svyrydenko and Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy and Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs in Luxembourg.

“It is extremely important for Ukraine to support the development of micro, small and medium-sized businesses, which are the drivers of economic recovery. Moreover, the key issue here is access to financial resources for entrepreneurs. We are grateful to our partners for their willingness to join the business stimulus programs, which provide them with an opportunity to obtain affordable financing for investment. We are also focused on developing the processing industry to supply the global market not only with raw materials but also with more finished products with a high share of added value,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

In turn, Minister of the Economy and Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs in Luxembourg, Franz Fayot, expressed his readiness to involve the European Investment Fund and the Luxembourg Future Fund in supporting the private sector in Ukraine and to hold relevant expert meetings.

He also expressed interest in being involved in regional projects to restore Ukraine, including support for the decarburization of the Ukrainian steel industry and the transition to environmentally friendly steel production in Kryvyi Rih.

The parties also discussed cooperation in developing digital infrastructure, strengthening cyber security, and creating a data exchange platform.

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