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The Government Approved the Draft Law on Accelerated Revision of Economic Activity State Regulation Instruments

The relevant decision regarding the draft “law on deregulation” was adopted at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on 30 August.

The initiative envisages the establishment of a Commission for accelerated revision of state regulatory instruments. It will be headed by the Minister of Economy of Ukraine, and its members will include representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Government Office for Coordination on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Ministry for Regional Development and the State Registration Service. The Commission will meet at least twice a month.

As part of the Commission’s meetings, it is assumed that the governmental authorities will “protect” the instruments that need to be left for effective and high-quality business regulation.

Based on the Commission’s proposals, the Government will approve the Exclusive List of Business Regulation Instruments. Effective 1 January 2023, state regulation instruments, which will not be defined by laws and not included in the resolution on the Exclusive List, will be recognized as invalid.

At the same time, the draft law proposes that if it is necessary to introduce a new economic activity state regulation instrument after 1 January 2023, a governmental authority will initiate the inclusion of such an instrument in the Exclusive List with the simultaneous exclusion from it of 2 other instruments in the same field. 

The draft law also proposes the creation of a single state electronic system of permit documents, which will ensure the digitalization of instruments from the Exclusive List.

“The challenge before us is to make the Ukrainian economy work immediately, without waiting for the end of the war. To this end, we need to implement changes that create a favourable environment for business. And the cancellation of unnecessary and excessive regulations is one of the steps on this path,” noted Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

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