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MEDT of Ukraine has established Inter-ministerial Expert Group to intensify cooperation with NATO

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine has established an Inter-ministerial Expert Group for preparation and implementation of the Ukraine-NATO Joint Working Group on Economic Security Issues (JWGES) decisions. The Group is established within the framework of the Annual National Program (ANP) under the auspices of the NATO-Ukraine Commission for 2017.

The Inter-ministerial Expert Group is a temporary advisory and consultative body under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, which has been established in order to develop proposals for priority tasks and activities, aimed at achieving more effective cooperation between Ukraine and NATO. The Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine - National Coordinator of Ukraine-NATO cooperation in the economic sphere Yurij Brovchenko is the Chairman of the Inter-ministerial Expert Group. The Inter-ministerial Expert Group includes representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and State Concern "Ukroboronprom".

The main tasks of the Inter-ministerial Expert Group are:

•    promotion of  Ukraine – NATO cooperation in the economic sphere  in order to meet the interests and needs of Ukraine;   

•    analysis of the cooperation with NATO on economic and resource aspects of defence and security issues, preparation of agreed proposals for the development of such a cooperation as well as ways of improving the forms of interaction;

•    assistance in monitoring the implementation of agreements reached during JWGES meetings;

•    research of the problems and preparation of proposals related to the implementation of agreements reached during JWGES meetings.

Besides, the Inter-ministerial Expert Group prepares recommendations on the need to engage advisory and technical assistance from NATO. It also initiates the development of relevant international programs / technical assistance.

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