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We see the interest of French business in participating in Ukraine’s recovery – Yuliia Svyrydenko

Франзузька делегація

The issues of participation of French companies in the reconstruction of Ukraine and attraction of investments were discussed during a meeting of First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko with the French delegation headed by Minister Delegate for Transport at the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion Clément Beaune.

“This year should become the year when we begin to rebuild the country. Our state is extremely interested that French entrepreneurs participate in this process. We see the interest of French business in such cooperation. Ukraine offers investment opportunities in industries that have significant development potential and can be globally competitive. We are also actively working on risk insurance programs to guarantee investors the safety of their investments,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine spoke about the main areas of recovery and the regions where the projects will be implemented and also informed the French delegation about the Government’s business support projects.

Deputy Minister of Economy Taras Kachka focused on the restoration and development of logistics, the functioning and prospects for expanding existing logistics routes to the EU, and the progress in addressing existing issues in Ukraine’s trade with the EU.

Speaking to the French delegation, Deputy Minister of Economy Oleksandr Hryban stressed the importance of cooperation between French and Ukrainian businesses in recovery projects, i.e. the localization of the process.

The parties discussed the French Government’s involvement in the implementation of Ukrainian initiatives to support the private sector, in particular cooperation in war risk insurance.

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