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Deregulation activities will improve business and bring Ukrainian standards closer to European ones – Yuliia Svyrydenko

The government intensified economic activity deregulation and business climate improvement. In 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to simplify or improve about 40 procedures and conditions for doing business. A relevant action plan, whose implementation will allow to significantly simplify doing business in Ukraine, was approved at the Government meeting on 31 January 2023.

“It is extremely important to do the most powerful work on deregulation in a short period of time. That is why the work is performed in parallel in many areas – at the level of ministries and departments that study the situation, conduct dialogue with businesses and prepare proposals for revision and improvement of instruments, at the level of the Government, parliament and the Interdepartmental Working Group on Deregulation.

Today, we approved action plans to simplify and improve the regulatory environment with specific terms and expected effect. It is about simplifying conditions for businesses in the construction, transport, energy and other sectors. The goal remains the same: to create the most favourable conditions for business operations and, accordingly, economic development. Moreover, the implementation of the measures will allow Ukrainian norms to be brought closer to the EU norms and will contribute to the European integration of Ukraine,” said First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko.

The proposed action plan provides for the tasks of drafting legislative and regulatory legal acts aimed at creating a forecastable and effective regulatory field in which the economic needs of business and the functional capabilities of the state to protect the interests of society will be regulated.

In particular, regarding:

  • simplification of administrative procedures for regulating economic activity;
  • improvement of procedures in the medical and social spheres;
  • simplification of the conditions for doing business in the agricultural, construction, oil and gas and power industries, in the fields of transport, logistics, information and electronic technologies, in the fields of ecology, subsoil use, trade, production and sale of goods and services.

So, among the norms proposed for improvement is the modernization of outdated practices in the management system of bus passenger transportation, which today prevent attracting investments in the industry. It is proposed to simplify the procedure for obtaining access to construction, transport and power facilities for placing the infrastructure of electronic communication networks.  Sanitary standards for hairdressing salons will be improved – the proposal is to cancel the requirements for the presence of certain premises, in particular for laundry, the manager’s office, revise standards for areas. The procedures for drawing up the certificate of readiness of the construction object were simplified; the frequency of health examinations of drivers was increased with due regard to European experience, etc.

A significant part of the proposed changes will concern the improvement of the business climate for micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

As a reminder: regulatory acts will also be reviewed separately based on the results of the work of the Interagency Working Group on Accelerated Review of State Regulation Instruments chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko and Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

At the first meeting, the IWG recommended to the Cabinet of Ministers to cancel 47% of the current state regulation instruments (permits, licenses, declarations of approvals, etc.) in the areas of policy making by the Ministry of Economy. Such an unprecedented decision aims to significantly expand economic freedoms in Ukraine and stimulate the development of entrepreneurship.  In the future, the IWG will consider and propose solutions for the optimization of instruments that other ministries and departments take care of.

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