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As part of the relocation program, 477 enterprises have already resumed operation in safe regions

As part of the business relocation program, 692 enterprises have moved from the areas affected by fighting to safe regions of Ukraine. 477 of these companies have already resumed operation.

In total, 1763 requests from enterprises wanting to move their production facilities have been registered on the digital interaction platform designed to help with relocation. Presently, 326 companies are in the process of moving; a search of the suitable location or transportation method for them is currently underway.

“Since the first days of war, the government has been focusing attention on programs of supporting businesses. It is important to preserve the industrial potential of Ukraine as much as possible. That’s why we launched a relocation program. Any enterprise can participate in it to receive assistance with solving logistical problems, transporting and installing equipment, finding a premise with the necessary infrastructure. To expedite the process and coordinate actions with all participants of this program, we launched a digital platform for relocation. It allows to improve organization of relocation process and offer additional opportunities to businesses,” Tetiana Berezhna, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, said.

Under this program, enterprises can relocate to any of the western regions of Ukraine: Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia, Volhynian, and Rivne Oblasts.

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