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Cars, wagons, planes: draft decision on the compulsory seizure of movable property of the rf has been approved

The Government has approved the draft Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Implementation of the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on the Forced Seizure of the Property of the Aggressor State and its Residents. The draft document provides for the seizure of more than 800 items of movable property.

The Cabinet of Ministers made the relevant decision at a meeting on October 6, 2023. The draft Decree was developed by the Ministry of Economy, the document was previously reviewed and recommended for submission to the Government by the Interdepartmental Working Group on Implementation of the State Sanctions Policy under the chairmanship of First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko.

“Considerable work has been done on the verification of assets owned by the aggressor state in the territory of Ukraine, clarification of available data. We paid special attention to the evidence base – Ukraine must have impeccable legal positions in case the aggressor appeals to international judicial bodies. Movable property - wagons, trucks, special equipment – will work for the economy of Ukraine or strengthen the defense capability of our country at the front,” Yuliia Svyrydenko said.

According to the draft Decree of the President of Ukraine approved by the Government, it is proposed, in particular, to seize:

  • about 500 wagons, semi-wagons, platforms, tanks, etc.;
  • oil tanker;
  • more than 300 trucks and cars;
  • tank trucks;
  • construction machinery;
  • aircraft engines.

7 MiG-25s of the armed forces of the rf in non-working condition, which will be used for spare parts for Ukrainian combat aircrafts, will also be seized.

According to Law On the Basic Principles of the Forcible Seizure of Objects of Property Rights of the Russian Federation and its Residents, the compulsory seizure of objects of property rights of the rf and its residents in Ukraine shall be carried out without any compensation or reimbursement.

The decision on the forcible seizure is adopted by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and is put into effect by the Decree of the President. The draft of the relevant decision is submitted by the Government. Within six months after the cancellation or termination of martial law, the Decree of the President on the Forcible Seizure must be approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by passing the relevant law.

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