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The Government Has Defined the Conditions for the Exemption from VAT and Import Duty for Industrial Parks

The Government has determined the mechanism for importing equipment for industrial parks. At the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 7, a new procedure for importing new equipment and components for industrial parks from abroad was adopted.

Such equipment is imported into the customs territory of Ukraine by participants of industrial parks with the exemption from import duty and value added tax.

The new Procedure will allow ensuring the targeted use of imported equipment by participants of industrial parks and control over such use. In addition, the Procedure simplifies the mechanism of its import. Since the list and volumes of equipment to be imported from abroad should not be approved by a separate decision of the Government.

“Industrial parks should become points of economic growth and post-war reconstruction of the country. We determine the conditions for obtaining new economic incentives for their participants - the abolition of VAT and import duty. I hope that the new mechanism will interest investors, will contribute to the creation of new enterprises in the territory of our state and the gradual restoration of the economy of Ukraine, which was destroyed as a result of Russian aggression,” First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko said.

We would like to remind you that on June 21, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada approved two laws that provide tax and customs benefits for industrial parks: the exemption from import VAT and import duty on equipment according to the list of UKTZED codes; the exemption from income tax for 10 years; the right of local self-government authorities to grant local tax benefits. Today, 56 industrial sites are included in the Register of Industrial Parks.

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