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Yuliia Svyrydenko calls on the Republic of Iraq to join the implementation of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Peace Formula

An invitation to join the Peace Formula proposed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the resumption of the work of the Ukrainian-Iraqi Joint Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation, and the exchange of experience in humanitarian demining – these were the topics discussed by First Deputy Prime Minister Yuliia Svyrydenko with Deputy Prime Minister for International Relations, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq Fuad Hussein on 9 August 2023.

"Ukraine faces two main challenges: winning the war and starting rapid reconstruction right now. Humanitarian demining is a critical issue for us. We are interested in gaining experience and engaging the assistance from partner countries. Ukraine considers the state of Iraq an important international partner and looks forward to exchanging experience in the field of demining," said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

The First Deputy Prime Minister added that the Government's main task today is to launch the humanitarian demining process, attract as many specialists as possible to work in this area, look for specialised equipment and machinery abroad, and set up its own production in Ukraine. The Government hopes that international partners will help train deminers.

Yuliia Svyrydenko also invited the Iraqi side to join the Peace Formula, in particular, its part concerning food security. She stressed that the countries of the world must consolidate to overcome the food crisis, and food must be exported freely to countries where it is needed.

The parties also discussed the possibility of resuming the work of the Ukrainian-Iraqi Joint Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. In particular, Ukraine is interested in importing hydrocarbons, launching joint projects in the areas identified by the Government as priorities, such as energy, restoration and construction of housing and critical infrastructure, humanitarian demining, and economic recovery.

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