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Ukraine presents strategic sectors for building a new country at the Recovery Conference in London

Україна презентувала стратегічні сектори для побудови нової країни на Конференції з відновлення в Лондоні

At the Ukraine Recovery Conference, Ukraine presented nine strategic sectors for building a new country and received a signal from businesses about their readiness to invest in them. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Oleksii Sobolev in an interview with Voice of America.

“At the conference in London, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko presented the vision of rebuilding Ukraine – the nine most strategically important sectors for building a new country. In particular, this is construction. We believe that Ukraine will be the largest construction site in Europe in the coming decades. Also, the energy sector, and the green transition plays a major role here – Ukraine will be a supplier of green energy for itself and for Europe and one of the leaders in the green industry – it will produce decarbonized goods, for example, “green” steel, and will be able to replace russia’s steel supplies to the European market. It is strategically important to develop the agricultural industry – Ukraine has the ambition to become a supplier of food for 600 million people around the world in 10 years,” said Oleksii Sobolev.

According to him, infrastructure is also a strategic sector, and given the fact that Ukraine is integrating into the EU, it needs to be rebuilt and modernized. Ukraine will also invest in the development of entrepreneurship and IT and the creation of a powerful military-industrial complex to guarantee the security of the country and Europe.

The Deputy Minister of Economy noted that the Conference in London proved the high interest of businesses in investing in Ukraine. And also drew attention to the fact that a number of decisions were made during the conference to expand insurance programs for businesses against war risks, which allow investing without waiting for the end of the war.

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