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Ministry of Economy concludes second round of EU consultations on preparation of Ukraine’s Plan under Ukraine Facility

On 24 August, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine concluded the second round of consultations with the European Union delegation on joint work on the Ukraine Plan for 2024-2027 under the Ukraine Facility programme.

The meeting was attended by Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Oleksii Sobolev, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Taras Kachka, Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade Representative of Ukraine, representatives of the Government Office for European Integration, the Reforms Delivery Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Ukrainian think tanks. The European delegation was led by Marlene Rosemarie Madsen, Head of Economic and Sectoral Policies, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR), European Commission.

"At the last meeting we agreed on the structure and distribution of topics. Now we are focusing on the form in which our work will be presented for approval by the European Union. The plan will consist of several key blocks, including macro-financial scenarios for recovery, major and sectoral reforms, priority sectors for development, increasing the capacity to absorb investment, and cross-cutting issues such as European integration, digitalisation, regional development and climate,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

According to the First Deputy Prime Minister, consultations with the EU are aimed at developing the most effective format of cooperation that will help achieve the programme’s goals and bring Ukraine closer to European integration.

“In particular, during the last consultations we discussed key areas for reform, such as the judiciary, anti-corruption policy, anti-money laundering and public administration reform. Sectoral reforms to ensure the rapid development of the Ukrainian economy are a separate block. We also discussed cross-cutting issues such as regional development and Ukraine’s recovery, as well as climate issues. We are finalising a concept note that will form the basis of the Ukraine Plan. This is a general narrative describing all the necessary actions that we plan to implement under the Ukraine Facility programme,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

It is expected that once approved, the concept note will become the basis for further consultations and negotiations with partner donors and international organisations that may also join the process of Ukraine’s recovery and development.

European partners have commended the Government’s progress in preparing the Ukraine Plan under the Ukraine Facility. Work on the document continues ahead of schedule.

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