The aim of conclusion of the АСАА Agreement: to open the access of industrial products to the markets of Ukraine and the EU countries on the basis of mutual recognition of the results of conformity assessment works for these products.
Priority sectors of industrial products for conclusion of the АСАА Agreement:
Contents of the ACAA Agreement:
Prospects of the ACAA Agreement:
What was done for conclusion of the ACAA Agreement:
In order to determine the state of readiness of Ukraine's quality infrastructure for the conclusion of the ACAA Agreement the EU pre-assessment mission is being conducted since October, 2020.
As of today, the EU pre-assessment mission has assessed:
The Ukrainian Side processes the recommendations of the European experts, provided on the basis of the results of assessment of the state of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the EU legislation, and ensures their taking into account.
The Ukrainian Side maintains constant communications with the European Side on the next steps for the conclusion of the ACAA Agreement in the first three priority sectors.
Further actions in preparation for the conclusion of the ACAA Agreement.