Ternopil City Council decided to arrange and hold a tender for selection of an operating company of industrial park “TERNOPIL” in the city of Ternopil.
According to minutes of the meeting of the Tender Commission No. 4 dated 26.07.2019 the following was determined:
Tender initiator is Ternopil City Council in Ternopil region (5, Lystopadova St., Ternopil 46001, Ternopil region).
The concept of industrial park “TERNOPIL” was approved by the decision of Ternopil City Council No. 7/26/3 dated 08.08.2018 “On the creation of industrial park “Ternopil” and approval of the Concept of industrial park “Ternopil””. The Concept is posted on the web-site of Ternopil City Council in section “Strategic and Program Documents”, sub-section “Industrial Park”.
Object of the tender is a land plot having total area of 15 hectares (cadastral number 6110100000:11:003:0060) located at Mykulynetska street in the city of Ternopil and intended for creation and operation of the industrial park.
The territory is free from construction.
The term for which the industrial park “TERNOPIL” is created is 30 years.
Industrial park “TERNOPIL” is entered in the Register of Industrial Parks of Ukraine under file No. 33.
Main conditions of holding the tender:
Additional information on the tender for selection of an operating company of industrial park “TERNOPIL” can be obtained from the Department of Economy, Industry and Labor of Ternopil City Council at the address: 1, Kopernyka St., Office 401, Ternopil 46001, by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone (0352) 25 16 49.
Registration fee amounts to UAH 10,000.00 (registration fee shall be paid by cashless transfer onto current account of the initiator of creation of the industrial park and shall be spent for the arrangement and preparation of the tender).
Payment details for registration fee:
Recipient: Operating company in the city of Ternopil/Ternopil/50110000 MFO 899998 YeDRPOU 37977726 Beneficiary bank: Treasury of Ukraine (EAP)
Account 31519931019002. Other receipts (registration fee for participation in the tender for selection of an operating company of the industrial park). Payment code: 50110000.
Participants shall:
Contact persons authorized to communicate with the participants:
Tetiana Stanislavivna Korchak – Head of the Department of Economy, Industry and Labor of the City Council, tel. (0352) 25 16 49, e-mail: [email protected].
Andrii Ihorovych Romaniuk – Head of Project Preparation Sector, tel. (0352) 40 41 50.
Address at which the notices of intention to take part in the tender, bids from tender participants and tender documentation are accepted: 1, Kopernyka St., Office 401, Ternopil 46001, or by e-mail: [email protected].
Visiting hours: Monday – Thursday from 08:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.; Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. Tel.: (0352) 25-16-49.
The tender commences on 01 August 2019.
Bids shall be filed by 16:00 p.m. 30 August 2019.
The envelopes with submitted bids will be opened at 12:00 p.m. on 02 September 2019 at the address: 5, Lystopadova St., session hall, Ternopil.