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Visit statistics ( for current day and night )
Reporting period Hits count Hosts count
20:00 1124 767
19:00 771 521
18:00 821 534
17:00 1575 943
16:00 1453 908
15:00 1683 981
14:00 1595 953
13:00 1604 935
12:00 1255 747
11:00 963 596
10:00 1019 638
09:00 1155 745
08:00 1024 654
07:00 744 560
06:00 1181 844
05:00 1210 857
04:00 1015 769
03:00 1892 1120
02:00 1586 1010
01:00 1146 812
00:00 928 665
23:00 1082 743
22:00 1119 735
21:00 1156 679
20:00 1276 738
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kiyv city,
Grushevsky str., 12/2