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Visit statistics ( for current day and night )
Reporting period Hits count Hosts count
15:00 218 132
14:00 428 268
13:00 563 375
12:00 428 245
11:00 355 221
10:00 400 285
09:00 680 525
08:00 727 536
07:00 592 476
06:00 850 693
05:00 1015 792
04:00 581 497
03:00 433 393
02:00 432 381
01:00 381 326
00:00 320 281
23:00 427 332
22:00 464 318
21:00 572 406
20:00 467 290
19:00 415 319
18:00 604 467
17:00 484 357
16:00 493 362
15:00 470 299
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kiyv city,
Grushevsky str., 12/2