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Visit statistics ( for current day and night )
Reporting period Hits count Hosts count
07:00 703 517
06:00 2098 1255
05:00 1416 961
04:00 1230 932
03:00 1670 1107
02:00 1463 1028
01:00 1620 1084
00:00 1969 1209
23:00 2112 1218
22:00 1970 1117
21:00 1909 1037
20:00 1857 1061
19:00 2271 1209
18:00 2038 1004
17:00 3054 1302
16:00 3762 1442
15:00 3992 1505
14:00 4147 1599
13:00 3660 1371
12:00 3372 1294
11:00 3406 1103
10:00 3435 1167
09:00 3673 1336
08:00 3557 1465
07:00 3447 1535
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kiyv city,
Grushevsky str., 12/2