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31 project worth EUR 2.1 billion: the Ministry of Economy and KSE expand the digital investment project portal

The investment portal, developed by the Ministry of Economy and the Kyiv School of Economics with the support of the UK Government has included 31 new projects worth a total of EUR 2.1 billion.

The initiatives proposed by private and state-owned companies cover the energy, agriculture, mechanical engineering, transport and logistics, green metallurgy, and construction materials sectors. The new projects are presented in 13 regions of Ukraine, most of them in Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Kyiv oblasts.

“We are systematically working to expand the investment portal to offer potential investors as many opportunities as possible to work in Ukraine. The key to this is the active involvement of business. Private and state-owned companies may offer their own projects, and after appropriate analysis, they will be presented on the portal. So far, we have already added 126 projects worth a total of USD 28.9 billion to the investment portal,” Oleksii Sobolev, First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, said.

Using an interactive map, filters, and infographics, the website visitors can explore the geographic and sectoral distribution of projects, their total budget, required funding, implementation stage, and other key details – both by sector and by individual projects.

The portal also contains information for entrepreneurs seeking to attract additional financing for development. The website visitors can get practical advice on available business support programmes from the Government, international financial institutions (IFIs), Ukrainian banks, insurance companies, and partner countries.

For investors: If you want to receive additional information about the projects presented in the digital database, and also want to participate in financing, fill out the application at the link.

For projects: If you want to place or update information about your investment project on the portal, fill out the application at the link.


Background information:

The digital portal of investment projects was developed within the framework of Economic Hub: Strengthening Macroeconomic Stability through Effective Public Finance Management, the Good Governance Fund project funded by UK International Development from the UK government. The project implementers are Abt Global and the Kyiv School of Economics.

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