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Announcement of the competition for the selection of managing company of industrial park “TERNOPIL”

Ternopil City Council has adopted a decision on organizing and carrying out the competition for selection of managing company of the “TERNOPIL” Industrial park in the city of Ternopil.

According to the minutes of the competition commission meeting No6 as of 14.07.2020:

The initiator of the competition –Ternopil City Council of the Ternopil Oblast (46001, Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil, 5, Lystopadova St.).

The concept of the “TERNOPIL” industrial park is approved by the decision of the Ternopil City Council No 7/26/3 as of 08.08.2018 “On creation of the “Ternopil” industrial park and on approval of the concept of the “Ternopil” industrial park. It is provided for information on the website of the Ternopil City Council in the section “Economics”, subsection “Industrial park”.

Object of the competition: a land plot with a total area of 15 hectares (cadastral number 6110100000:11:003:0060) is located in Mykulynetska St., Ternopil and is envisaged for the creation and functioning of an industrial park.

The territory is devoid of buildings.

The term for which the “TERNOPIL” industrial park is being established is 30 years.

The “TERNOPIL” industrial park is included into the register of industrial parks of Ukraine under the number 33.

Main terms of the competition:

  1. Implementation of the concept of the “TERNOPIL” industrial park development in Ternopil.
  2. Providing construction of complete complex of buildings for the effective functioning of the production of industrial park’s participants.
  3. The obligatory registration of the industrial park’s participants (entities) on the territory of the city of Ternopil.
  4. Land plots within the industrial park shall be used in accordance with the sanitary-epidemic and ecological requirements.
  5. Granting of land plot in a lease for the term of agreement with the right to sublease in accordance with the current legislation.
  6. Ensuring the permanent functioning of the industrial park “TERNOPIL” in the city of Ternopil.

Additional information about the Competition for the selection of managing company of the “TERNOPIL” industrial park is available in the Department of economics, industry and labour of the Ternopil city council, 46001, Ternopil, 1, Kopernyka St, office 401; e-mail: [email protected], tel.: 0038 0352 25 16 49.

The registration fee is 10 000.00 UAH (the registration fee shall be paid by bank transfer to the current account of initiator of the industrial park creation and shall be used for organizational purposes).

Bank details for paying the registration fee:

Recipient: Ternopil Department of the State treasury service /Ternopil/50110000, bank code (MFO) 899998, EDRPOU 37977726.

Recipient Bank: State Treasury of Ukraine (EAP)

Account: UA078999980314161931000019751. Other incomes (registration fee for participation in the competition for the selection of managing company of the industrial park).

Payment code: 50110000.


  1. Submit to the organizer the application to participate in the competition;
  2. Pay the registration fee;
  3. Receive contest documentation at the Department of economics, industry and labour of the Ternopil city council at the address: 1, Kopernyka St., Ternopil, (office 401) after presenting the confirmation of the registration fee payment.

Contact persons authorized to communicate with the participants:

Tetyana Korchak – Head of the Department of economics, industry and labour, tel.: 0038 0352 25 16 49, e-mail: [email protected].

Andrii Romaniuk – Head of the Projects preparation sector, tel.: 00380 0352 40 41 50.

The participants can submit their applications for participation in the competition, proposals as well as receive the competition documentation at the following address: 46001, Ternopil, 1, Kopernyka St., office 401 or by sending your request by e-mail: [email protected].

Reception hours: Monday – Thursday from 8:00 to 17:00; Friday from 8:00 to 16:00. Telephone number: 0038 (0352) 25 16 49.

Competition starts on the 16th of July 2020.

Proposals from participants are received by 16:00 on the 14th of August 2020.

Opening of envelopes with proposals will be held at 12:00 o’clock on the 17th of August 2020 at the following address: Ternopil city Hall, 5, Lystopadova St., Session hall.


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