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Deputy Minister for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization

Oleksandr TSYBORT


+38 (044) 200-44-97

Email: [email protected]
Email:  [email protected]

Born in 1989.


Tsybort received his higher education at Ostroh Academy, majoring in Law.

Work experience:

A serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in creating, developing, and scaling online businesses in various countries, including Ukraine, the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, and Poland. Until July 2024, he led the group of e-commerce companies iLounge, specializing in selling Apple accessories, serving over 200,000 customers annually in Ukraine.


By order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 863-r dated 10 September 2024, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations, and Digitalization.

Coordinates the development of proposals and the implementation of the adopted decisions regarding the formation and implementation of state policy on issues of digital development, digital transformations and digitalization in the spheres of authority of the Ministry of Economy.

Coordinates issues of information interaction, information cooperation and information exchange between the Ministry of Economy and other central bodies of executive power, other state bodies, institutions, enterprises, organizations and signs memoranda, contracts, agreements, protocols, statements regarding electronic information interaction between information and communication systems (information system, classifier, register / information system, register / cadastre, etc.).

Responsible for directing, coordinating and controlling performance of:

- Department for Digital Development and Electronic Services;

- Sector for organizational and analytical support of work of the Deputy Minister for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization.

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