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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

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Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine


+38 (044) 200-45-34

[email protected]

Born in 1990.


2012 – he received the qualification of a specialist in finance and credit at the European University.

Work experience:

October 2014 to November 2016 – military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

March 2017 to April 2017 – Chief Specialist of the Department of National and Patriotic Education, Internal Audit Sector of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine;

January 2018 to December 2019 – Chief Specialist of the Department of Organization and Provision of Public Procurement of the Department of Economy and Financial Policy, Department of Organization and Provision of Public Procurement of the Department of Financial and Economic Affairs, Accounting and Financial Reporting, State Expert of the Expert Group on Strategic Planning of the Directorate for Strategic Planning and European Integration of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine;

January 2020 to June 2020 –  Leading Expert on Project and Program Management of the Department of Project and Program Management of the State Enterprise "ProZorro.Sales";

June 2020 to December 2021 – Deputy Minister of Veteran Affairs of Ukraine;

July 2022 to May 2023 – Technical Advisor of the Veterans Reintegration Program, IREX.

Veteran, served in the 93rd Separate Mechanised Brigade (now Kholodnyi Yar). In 2015, he participated in hostilities in the East of the country. In the area of Karlivka, in Donetsk Oblast, he was injured when anti-tank mine exploded. Bronze medalist at the Invictus Games 2020, held in April 2022 in The Hague, Netherlands.

By order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 630-r of 18 July 2023, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

Coordinates development of proposals and implementation of adopted decisions concerning:

- coordinates the drawing up of proposals and the implementation of the adopted decisions as to the implementation of the state mine action policy on humanitarian demining;

- ensures the implementation of powers to digitalize the apparatus of the Ministry of Economy.

Responsible for directing, coordinating and controlling performance of:

- Department for Digital Development and Electronic Services;

- Sector of organizational and analytical support for the work of the Deputy Minister.

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