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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Members of the MEDT community board were elected at organization meeting
09.07.2015 | 17:28 | Directorate for relations with state bodies and public

MEDT of Ukraine initiated a fresh start of the community board. The revised board functions include a development of draft reforms, active participation in lawmaking and preparation of expert evaluation.

Organizational meeting of the community board, attached to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, took place on July 9th. The main task of the meeting was formation of a functioning advisory body able to support a process of reforms.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 996 “On provision of participation of community in formation and realization of the state policy” restricted a number of the community board members up to 35 people, but Aivaras Abromavičius, the Minister of economic development and trade of Ukraine, noted out that it does not disable other organizations, functional unions and civil groups to cooperate directly with the MEDT.

“I consider the community board not a one-class club for seated in the Ministry people, but as operating tool for a broad dialogue. We’ll take into account everybody’s address, consider your position and invite at meetings. Our doors are open!” - Aivaras Abromavičius told.

He emphasized that the community board would be extremely important advisory body.

“We need new people, ready to implement reforms, participate in lawmaking and develop the country. Come and propose! Let’s reform together!” – the Minister told.

According to the results of the organizational meeting those present elected 35 members of the community board.