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Demining of Ukraine in a few years, not decades, is the best response to the aggressor, - Yulia Svyrydenko
24.08.2023 | 16:57 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

Mine clearance of Ukrainian lands in a few years, not decades, will be the best response to the aggressor who is trying to steal our future and kill Ukrainians even after the war. To do this, we must join the efforts of the entire civilised world.

This was stated by Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy, during a meeting with representatives of the diplomatic corps on the implementation of the Peace Formula of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in terms of environmental safety. The meeting was attended by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine AndriiYermak, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets and Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko.

The First Vice Prime Minister reminded that due to russia’s military aggression, Ukraine is currently the most mined country in the world - 174,000 square kilometres, or one third of the country’s territory, needs to be checked for explosive devices.

“The unprecedented potential contamination of Ukrainian land with mines and other explosives is a danger to people, animals, soil, food and ecosystems. In addition, before the war, these fertile lands were a source of food for 81 million people. Now they are not being used for their intended purpose. That is, the war unleashed by russia undermines the world’s food security and provokes a deepening of the problem of hunger,” said Yulia Svyrydenko.

That is why one of the environmental objectives of the Peace Formula of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is to clear 80% of potentially contaminated territories and return them to normal life in 10 years. This is the ambitious goal set by the Ukrainian Government. To achieve this, Ukraine needs strong international support. Yulia Svyrydenko called on representatives of diplomatic missions to join the partners who are already helping Ukraine with demining.

According to her, today Ukraine has about 3,000 sappers working at the edge of their strength and 26 mechanised demining vehicles, which is not enough to achieve the goal set. Solving the problem of demining and the damage caused to the environment by russian aggression will require joint efforts of the whole world for many years. And Ukraine counts on the support of its partners. Yulia Svyrydenko also reminded that Ukraine has already established the Humanitarian Demining Centre, which will coordinate the work of partners and stakeholders.

“Our ultimate goal is to use all modern technologies to speed up demining, make it safer and more effective. We want the world to have enough capacity to deal with mines and explosives. And we want to have a modern demining policy that can be used in other contaminated regions. If we manage to demine Ukraine in a few years, not decades, it will be the best proof that the aggressor will not be able to steal our future and kill people even after the war,” summed up Yulia Svyrydenko.