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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

A meeting of the Commission for the transformation of SE NNEGC Energoatom into a joint-stock company took place
15.08.2023 | 12:12 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

On 11 August 2023, a regular meeting of the Commission for the Transformation of the State Enterprise National Nuclear Energy Generating Company Energoatom into a Joint Stock Company was held to discuss the progress of the transformation process. The event was chaired by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Oleksii Sobolev. The discussion was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Energoatom, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Deloitte.

The Commission members discussed the status of the Energoatom transformation plan and the next steps in the valuation of property and the list of non-current assets subject to international valuation. The next steps identified by the commission will be to prepare drafts of the company's charter, regulations on the supervisory board, executive body and other documents necessary for the formation of the supervisory board and executive body.

"The transformation of Energoatom from a state-owned enterprise into a joint-stock company is a way to long-term investments that the Ukrainian economy desperately needs. Therefore, we must introduce immediate changes and complete the registration of Energoatom by the end of 2023," said Oleksii Sobolev, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

Earlier, the Ministry of Economy decided to select an appraiser of the company's property, approved the terms of the cooperation agreement with it, and approved the property inventory certificate and the list of non-current assets of the company.

For reference:

The Government has issued a decree that provides for the reorganisation of SE NNEGC Energoatom by transforming it into JSC NNEGC Energoatom, 100 per cent of the shares in the authorised capital of which are owned by the state and are not subject to privatisation or other alienation. The relevant decision was made at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 2 May 2023.

The plan for the transformation of SE NNEGC Energoatom into a joint-stock company with 100 per cent state-owned shares was approved by the CMU Resolution No. 571-r dated 27 June 2023. The process of transforming the state-owned enterprise into a joint-stock company is expected to be completed in December 2023.