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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

On the way to industrial visa-free regime: Government brings the Technical Machinery Safety Regulation in line with EU standards
24.08.2023 | 17:02 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a Resolution bringing the Technical Machinery Safety Regulation in line with EU norms. The document harmonises the content, structure, sequence and numbering of its provisions and annexes with the content, structure, sequence and numbering of the EU Directive and its annexes.

“The adoption of this resolution is another step towards the conclusion with the EU of the Agreement on Conformity and Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products  (ACAA). After updating the provisions of the Technical Regulation, Ukrainian products will meet the requirements in force in the European Union. This will ensure the elimination of technical barriers to trade in relevant products between Ukraine and the EU,” explained Vitalii Kindrativ, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

According to him, the Government is trying to ensure the signing of an “industrial visa-free regime” primarily in high value-added industries. After all, they are an important driver for attracting investment, developing innovation, promoting research and development, and retraining the workforce.

“The adoption of the resolution will make it possible to conclude the ACAA agreement in the field of machinery, which will allow Ukrainian producers to freely supply the relevant products to the EU market without additional conformity assessment procedures, which will improve their competitiveness. The situation will be similar with products of foreign origin, which will also be able to enter the Ukrainian market without additional costs for conformity assessment procedures to meet the requirements of Ukrainian legislation,” summed up Vitalii Kindrativ.