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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Перший віцепрем’єр-міністр України — Міністр економіки Юлія Свириденко та заступник Міністра економіки Ігор Безкаравайний під час зустрічі з амбасадором UNITED24 Мішею Коллінзом та режисером Даріусом Мардером обговорили питання посилення спроможностей операторів протимінної діяльності.
We want Ukrainian land to be demined with Ukrainian equipment, - Yulia Svyrydenko during a meeting with UNITED24 Ambassador Misha Collins
24.05.2024 | 14:13 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

Ukraine wants operators to demine Ukrainian land with domestically produced equipment. This was stated by the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko during a meeting with UNITED24 Ambassador, renowned actor Misha Collins and director Darius Marder with the participation of Deputy Minister of Economy Ihor Bezkaravaynyi and Acting Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Andriy Danik.

“Ukraine remains the most polluted country in the world. About a quarter of the territory is considered potentially contaminated. We have set ourselves the goal of surveying, demining, and returning up to 80% of these lands to use in ten years. And with the help of the international community, our partners, and donors, we are moving towards this goal.

Today, we are building the capacity of the operators who clean up the area. But the need for machinery and equipment remains significant. We aim to meet them using primarily Ukrainian products,” said Yulia Svyrydenko.

According to the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy, the economic policy “Made in Ukraine” implemented by the Government is designed to promote the development of domestic production, including demining machinery and equipment.

During the meeting, the UNITED24 ambassador was shown samples of mine action equipment made in Ukraine and the principles of its operation. As noted, the domestic equipment fully meets the defined safety standards for its class and is effective. A significant part of the meeting was devoted to the needs of operators in machinery and equipment, as well as further cooperation aimed at strengthening the capacity of operators.

“Today we were shown the operation of vehicles for the transportation of explosives and personnel. And for me, as the Minister of Economy, it is very important that these are domestically produced vehicles. But our operators need more such vehicles. Therefore, we continue to work together to have more financial opportunities to purchase them,” said Yulia Svyrydenko.

For reference:

Misha Collins is a well-known American actor whose ancestors once lived in Kyiv region and later emigrated to Canada. Misha Collins fully supports Ukraine, so he immediately responded to the invitation of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and became an ambassador of the UNITED24 fundraising platform in the area of Humanitarian Demining.

The funds raised by Misha Collins as part of the UNITED24 project were used to purchase a Pyrotechnic Vehicle for the transportation of explosive ordnance.