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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

“Усі в плюсі, коли зроблено в Україні”: до кампанії з підтримки українських виробників долучились ритейлери
Everyone Benefits When It Is Made in Ukraine: retailers joined the campaign to support Ukrainian manufacturers
29.04.2024 | 14:31 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

In order to strengthen the economy and the army, Ukrainians are urged to buy the products of national manufacturers, and manufacturers - to mark their goods with the Made in Ukraine logo, which is freely available.

The country’s largest supermarket chains have already joined the campaign: on advertising spaces in Silpo, ATB, Novus, Varus, Auchan stores, buyers are urged to pay attention to the country of manufacture and choose Ukrainian products. At the same time, dozens of brands of the most popular products are already working to ensure that their products marked with the new logo will soon be on store shelves.

Everyone Benefits When It Is Made in Ukraine communication campaign was launched by the Ministry of Economy with the support of the USAID / UK aid-funded Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services / TAPAS Project.

“It is extremely important for us that Everyone Benefits When It Is Made in Ukraine campaign encourages Ukrainians to support their choice of domestic products. After all, these are jobs for millions of Ukrainians, taxes to the budget and an opportunity to support our security and defence sector, to continue fighting. It’s a simple step with a big impact. For its part, the Government undertakes to support the development of production, stimulate non-raw materials exports and attract investments in the real sector. Almost all of our support programmes are aimed at this,” First Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko says.

The goal of the campaign is to encourage Ukrainians to support domestic manufacturers and thus influence GDP growth. Thus, according to the research of SE Ukrpromzovnishekspertiza, on average 40% of the value of Ukrainian consumer goods is returned to Ukrainians. And replacing imported food products with domestic products can potentially have a significant economic effect and increase the salary fund of employees by +UAH 40 billion/year, and taxes and payments to the Pension Fund by ~UAH 25 billion/year, because this industry has been actively developing in recent years and currently it is capable of providing domestic demand.

Therefore, the Ministry of Economy offers manufacturers to mark their products, which will be easily distinguished thanks to the special Made in Ukraine logo (the corresponding trademark was registered on March 8). The logo is freely available for labelling products, creating advertising materials, etc. The main conditions for companies to use it are: to have actual production capacity in the territory of Ukraine, not to conduct activities in the territory of the aggressor state and Belarus, and not to be under sanctions.

The logo, stickers for marking, brand book on their use can be downloaded on the website Since the labelling of products for manufacturers is a rather long process, the developers provided for the possibility of creating their own unique banners in the corporate style of the campaign with the Made in Ukraine logo. They can be generated on the same website by adding your product image and use them on any of your websites right now.

“We have already been supported by representatives of the largest retail chains, shopping centres, the marketplace, as well as dozens of manufacturers in which the percentage of return to the budget reaches 70-80% - for example, Yahotynske, Molokiya, Veres, Myasovyta, Yatran, Rud, Ruta, Biosphere and other brands. We are also grateful for the strategic support of Mastercard global company,” Deputy Minister of Economy Nadiia Bihun says.

Made in Ukraine is a comprehensive policy designed to support Ukrainian manufacturers and strengthen the state’s economy. It is not only about retail goods for household consumption, but also about other areas: priority access of Ukrainian manufacturers to public purchases, programmes to stimulate demand for Ukrainian goods, cheap loans and grants for investments and expansion of production, stimulation of investments in the real sector and modernization, development of non-raw materials exports. Thanks to the implementation of the entire complex of these measures, the Ministry of Economy predicts to receive 1% of the 4.6% of the projected total GDP growth as a result of 2024.

Made in Ukraine. Catalogue of Opportunities From the State