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Within 4 years, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine is going to fulfill 27 indicators under the Ukraine Facility Plan
20.03.2024 | 15:00 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations.

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine has published the text of the Plan for the implementation of the European Union's Ukraine Facility programme. The overall coordination of the preparation of the Plan was carried out by the Ministry team. According to the Plan, during the years 2024-2027, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine will fulfill a total of 27 indicators, including 4 investment indicators. 

“The indicators and reforms provided for by the Ukraine Facility Plan will contribute to overall economic growth, development of the business climate, culture of entrepreneurship, as well as will accelerate the process of Ukraine's integration into the European Union. The team of the Ministry of Economy will directly take care of changes aimed to improve the management of state property, the development of human capital and the business environment, as well as priority sectors of the economy”, said the First Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Yuliia Svyrydenko.

All information and detailed content of the Plan for the implementation of Ukraine Facility, in particular the full list of planned reforms, can be viewed on a special resource:

In 2024, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine has to meet 7 indicators provided for by the Ukraine Facility Plan. The priority task is to develop and approve an Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan. In general, the work of the Ministry this year will be aimed at optimizing the management of state property, overall improvement of the business environment, as well as the development of priority industries:

  • Approval of the state property policy in accordance with the OECD principles and ESU standards;
  • Adoption of the Law of Ukraine on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in accordance with OECD recommendations (implemented);
  • Further deregulation based on the decisions of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Deregulation, in particular the update and implementation of the Action Plan for the Deregulation of Economic Activities;
  • Supporting the implementation of industrial parks as a tool for attracting investments to the de-occupied territories;
  • Recovery of market surveillance and control measures for non-food products, including product safety inspections;
  • Approval of the Anti-Mine Action Strategy for the period up to 2033.

During the years 2025-2027, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, within the framework of the Ukraine Facility Plan, will also be implementing other reforms. Some part of the efforts of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine will be aimed at improving the management of state property. For this purpose, the fulfillment of the following indicators is contemplated:

  • Revision of the list of priority state-owned companies, creation of independent supervisory boards, corporatization and change in the organizational and legal form of individual enterprises;
  • Development of a regulatory framework for the creation of entities of consolidated management of state-owned companies;
  • Separation of accounts of state-owned enterprises for activities not related to performance of their special duties;
  • Conducting an independent audit of compliance with market rules in the context of cross-subsidization and separation of accounts;
  • Cancellation of the suspension of the Law on State Aid and restoration of state aid control.

The development of human capital is a priority in the work of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, which will carry out the overall coordination of reforms in this area. Considerable attention will be paid in particular to eliminating the social and economic consequences of the war:

  • Approval of the Employment Strategy to build an effective state policy in the area of employment.

Recovery and growth of the private sector is one of the key tasks of the Plan for the implementation of Ukraine Facility. In view of this, an important task in the work of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine is to create favorable conditions and reduce obstacles to business development, in particular by fulfilling the following indicators:

  • Adoption of legislation on deregulation and simplification of conditions for doing business, in particular digitalization of licensing procedures;
  • Development and adoption of the Strategy for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ukraine;
  • Bringing public procurement in line with the EU acquis, integrating Prozorro with the DREAM system, as well as delineating the regulation of procurement not related to the military needs in the area of security and defense;
  • Harmonization of legislation with European standards for 3 groups of industrial goods (machinery, electromagnetic compatibility of equipment, low-voltage electrical equipment);
  • Implementation of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating late payments in commercial transactions.

The strategy for the development of priority sectors proposed by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine within the framework of the Ukraine Facility Plan is aimed at concentrating resources and efforts on key industries. Their growth will ensure the comprehensive development of the economy and activate related sectors. The fulfillment of the following indicators will contribute to the achievement of these objectives:

  • Implementation of requirements for energy-efficient procurement in accordance with the principles of “Energy Efficiency First” and “build-back-greener”;
  • Adoption of norms on compensation for the costs of humanitarian demining of agricultural land;
  • Ensuring transparency of PSA tenders and concluded agreements;
  • Development of a Strategy for the implementation of the principles of the circular economy and an Action Plan for its implementation based on the analysis of the possibilities and consequences of such a transition.

In addition, the Ukraine Facility Plan provides for the implementation of 4 investment indicators by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. These indicators relate to the development and support of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, as well as the demining of agricultural land: 

  • Allocation by the Government of at least €1.75 billion in financial support to micro-sized enterprise, SME and SMB processing enterprises during the years 2024-2027 and at least €800 million during the years 2024-2025;
  • Allocation by the Government of at least €150 million for payments to agricultural producers to cover demining costs during the years 2024-2027 and at least €75 million during the years 2024-2025.
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kiyv city,
Grushevsky str., 12/2