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The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine published the report on the results of work in 2018
18.03.2019 | 16:03 | Directorate for relations with state bodies and public.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine published the report on the results of its activities in 2018. Since the introduction of the Strategic Action Plan of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine for three years and the Government, this is the third annual report prepared by specialists of the Ministry.

So, on July 24, 2017, on the initiative of First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv, the Strategic Action Plan of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine for 2017-2020 was approved with mandatory annual update thereof for one year ahead.

“Our mission is to create conditions for ensuring the competitiveness of Ukraine’s economy. This is the basis for sustainable economic growth and improving the quality of citizens’ life. The Strategic Action Plan allows the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine to ensure the systematic implementation of key tasks for the medium term, contributes to more predictable economic policies and better coordination of the work of public authorities, businesses, industry associations and civil society in achieving important goals and results”, said Stepan Kubiv.

To implement the above-mentioned mission and priority tasks in the economic bloc, which are contained in the Medium-Term Priority Action Plan of the Government until 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine identified three strategic goals for its own activities:

  • Development of competition, small and medium business;
  • Creating the conditions for technological breakthrough;
  • Creating the conditions for economic independence.

Each of the annual reports on the results of the work of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine contains structured information in accordance with the goals and results achieved during the reporting period, as well as difficulties in the process of fulfilling the tasks.

Information about achievements and failures of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine in 2018 is available at:

Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kyiv city,
M. Hrushevskoho str., 12/2