Ministry of Economy of Ukraine -> Affordable Mortgage: Government Assistance in Purchasing Housing -> Affordable Mortgage: Government Assistance in Purchasing Housing State sites of Ukraine
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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Affordable Mortgage: Government Assistance in Purchasing Housing
19.04.2024 | 15:49 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

From October, the Government is launching the Affordable Mortgage program, initiated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy even before the war, and now modernized and adapted to the needs of wartime. Its goal is to help Ukrainians get decent housing.

The program will be implemented in two stages:

1. From October 2022, military personnel, law enforcement officers, teaching and medical workers, scientists will be able to get a mortgage loan at 3%. These are people of today’s extremely important professions, because our safety, health, life and future depend on their work.

2. From the beginning of 2023, an affordable mortgage will be available to all Ukrainians who will be able to take out a loan for the purchase of housing at 7% per annum.


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