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      Home / Activity / Trade protection / Dispute settlement / Dispute between Ukraine and the European Union on temporary restrictions applied by Ukraine on exports of certain wood products
Updated information on the Arbitration Panel hearing in the dispute between Ukraine and the European Union on temporary restrictions applied by Ukraine on exports of certain wood products
21.09.2020 | 09:00 | Department for Protection of Domestic Manufacturers.

Due to the current international situation related to COVID-19 and the existing contact and travel restrictions, both Parties and the Arbitration Panel have agreed to hold a virtual hearing on 22 and 23 September 2020. The opening statements of the Parties presented at the hearing as well as the written replies of the Parties to the questions of the Arbitration panel will be made publicly available on the respective websites of both Parties.

Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kyiv city,
M. Hrushevskoho str., 12/2