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      Home / Activity / Public - private Partnerships / Useful links and information materials
Useful links
05.09.2018 | 12:22 | Investments department.

1. International PPP Center of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - established for the following purposes: identification of the best global PPP practices, assisting Governments in the successful implementation of best practices, ensuring the exchange of PPP experience between experienced countries and those in which processes PPPs are just starting out.

2. The European PPP Consultation Center was established by a joint initiative of the European Investment Bank, the European Commission and the Member States and candidate countries to strengthen the public sector's capacity to implement the PPP.

3. The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships is a federal platform established in 1985 to provide comprehensive support and development of PPPs.

4. The Resource Center on PPP in the Infrastructure - created by the World Bank initiative to provide easy access to a wide range of legal material that can help in planning, designing and legal structuring of any infrastructure project.

5. The Resource Center offers links to organizations that are responsible for PPPs around the world.

6. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has launched a PPP initiative to track and support PPP development processes in European countries. List of all projects, including and PPP-funded EBRD.

7. The International Project Finance Association (IPFA) was established in 1998 to facilitate dialogue between government partners from different countries and business representatives - potential private partners, providing advisory support, training and organizing international PPP promotion activities.

8. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) focuses on supporting the development of industry throughout the world, including through PPPs.

9. The European PPP Forum was created on the basis of the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in order to improve the skills of government officials and institutions.

10. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) assists governments in the preparation of PPP projects.

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