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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

The Government Has Expanded the List of Institutions and Enterprises Whose Employees Are Subject to Reservation
22.08.2022 | 14:25

The Government supported the corresponding draft Law of Ukraine at its regular meeting. It will enter into force after its adoption by the Verkhovna Rada.

The document provides for the possibility of reservation of employees:

  • of governmental authorities and local self-government authorities, if their work is necessary to ensure the functioning of these authorities in wartime;
  • at enterprises and organizations that have been set mobilization tasks, if employees are involved in their implementation;
  • at enterprises that manufacture products for defence purposes, or those that are necessary to meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • at enterprises, institutions and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period.

The draft law also provides for the opportunity for the persons who are not subject to conscription to voluntarily go into service. Among such categories of the population are persons with disabilities, persons temporarily unfit for military service, reserved workers, women and men with 3 or more dependent children, parents of children with disabilities, etc.

Previously, the Ministry of Economy reported that the Government would intensify assistance to the IT sector, namely in terms of reservation of workers.