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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Businesses will be able to import electricity to ensure stable operations in the event of a deficit in the power system, Yuliia Svyrydenko
22.12.2023 | 15:57 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

The Government has provided industrial consumers with the opportunity to import electricity to ensure stable operation in the event of a shortage of generating capacity in the power system. This was announced by Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

“This winter there is a risk of continued energy terror from russia. The aggressor will again try to hit us by destroying energy infrastructure facilities. In order to help domestic business operate stably in the event of an electricity shortage, the Government has made it possible to import electricity from neighbouring countries – Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland. The volume of permitted electricity imports from Europe is 1,700 MW for Ukraine and Moldova,” Yuliia Svyrydenko said.

Companies importing electricity will not be subject to energy supply restrictions if they are introduced to overcome the electricity shortage. Such consumers may only be subject to special emergency cut-off schedules, which may be introduced to prevent a systemic failure of the integrated energy system.

The possibility of importing electricity is available to non-household consumers. The volume of imports required to avoid cut-offs should be 50% of the actual consumption in each billing period (hour) in October-April and 30% in May-September.

Import presentation