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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

 Промисловий патріотизм - це частина економічної та воєнної безпеки країни - Юлія Свириденко
Industrial patriotism is part of the country’s economic and military security – Yuliia Svyrydenko
18.07.2023 | 17:19 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

Supporting national manufacturers is a matter of ensuring the country’s economic stability and military security. “Buy Made in Ukraine” should not be a slogan, but a practice. This was stated by First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko at a meeting with representatives of companies in the energy sector, manufacturers of power equipment and the machine building industry. 

“Supporting domestic business is a priority for the Government. Ukrainian business ensures macroeconomic stability and provides for our Army. Half of the country’s budget expenditure is financed by domestic companies that pay taxes. And we need to support them and encourage their development. Ukrainian companies and Ukrainian consumers invest in the growth of the national economy and its competitiveness by purchasing domestically produced goods. The call “Buy Made in Ukraine” should not be a slogan, but a practice,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

The First Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that orders from state-owned enterprises should go to domestic producers as much as possible, especially now, during the war.  She called on large state customers to publish their procurement plans in advance so that companies could prepare and offer their products to fully meet their needs. 

According to Yuliia Svyrydenko, the Ministry of Economy is also ready to support domestic business, in particular by granting access to financial resources and simplifying the regulatory environment. In particular, the Ministry is currently preparing changes to the Affordable Loans 5-7-9% program, modernizing it to meet the needs of processing enterprises, which will be able to get larger loans for a longer period.