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Since January 1, 2019 more than 90% of Soviet GOSTs became null and void in Ukraine

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine reminds that since January 1, 2019 the overwhelming majority of technical standards of the Soviet Union “GOST” developed before 1992 became null and void in Ukraine.

The necessity of repealing the Soviet GOSTs in the territory of Ukraine was determined by the Action Plan of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. According to the Action Plan, in 2015 SE “Ukrainian Scientific Research and Training Center for Standardization, Certification and Quality” (SE “UkrSRTC”) serving as the National Standardization Authority issued respective orders to repeal GOSTs which shall become null and void during 2016-2018 and be fully withdrawn starting from January 1, 2019. 12,090 Soviet GOSTs had to be repealed.

At the same time, to reduce risks to business, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine invited all stakeholders to submit their proposals as to repealing of GOSTs that have lost their relevance. In addition, the National Standardization Authority has continuously provided clarification and advice on the issues arising from repealing of GOSTs.

During 2016-2018, the National Standardization Authority received the proposals as to the extension of some GOSTs. As a result of consultations, the National Standardization Authority has issued a number of orders according to which 1,173 Soviet GOSTs remain in force as of January 1, 2019.

Such GOSTs will be valid until January 1, 2022. In particular, these are standards to replace which the relevant draft national standards are currently being or are expected to be developed; standards referred to in the regulatory acts; standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation; standards developed on the basis of international standards which are relevant at present.

The list of Soviet standards that are currently in force can be found at the official website of UkrSRTC: https://bit.ly/2RFyiMI.

In view of possible extension of the Soviet GOSTs after 2022, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and the National Standardization Authority strongly advise all stakeholders using GOSTs in their work to adhere to the guidelines posted at the websites of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (https://bit.ly/2CA9zyT) and SE “UkrSRTC (https://bit.ly/2S5uDae), and find an alternative to the use of the Soviet Union standards, which in fact are regulatory acts of already non-existing state, and contradict the innovations introduced in the area of technical regulation of Ukraine and Ukraine’s commitments as to reforming the area of technical standardization provided by the WTO Agreement and the Association Agreement with the EU.

At the same time, if it is necessary to develop the national standard to replace relevant Soviet GOST, any stakeholder (public authorities, associations of manufacturers, enterprises, public organizations, etc.) may act as the customer of the development of such standard in accordance with the Law of Ukraine On Standardization.

For reference

The Law of Ukraine On Standardization, which came into force on January 3, 2015, implemented the provisions of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade in the domestic legislation of Ukraine. Also, in accordance with the Association Agreement between Ukraine, the EU and the European Atomic Energy Community, Ukraine is gradually implementing the European Norms (EN) as national standards, in particular, harmonized European standards. At the same time, Ukraine cancels conflicting national standards, in particular, the interstate standards (GOSTs) developed before 1992.

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