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eRobota: Government to provide UAH 77 million in microgrants for business start-up or development

єРобота: Уряд надасть 77 млн грн мікрогрантів на старт або розвиток бізнесу

The state will provide 323 Ukrainians with microgrants for business start-up and development under the Vlasna Sprava program worth UAH 77 million based on the results of the sixth wave of applications. Microgrants have been provided to 1,555 entrepreneurs since the beginning of 2023. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Tetiana Berezhna.

“Following the sixth wave of applications for microgrants this year, 323 Ukrainians have been selected as winners and will receive UAH 77 million in state financial support to start or develop their own businesses. In total, 1,555 Ukrainians will receive microgrants worth almost UAH 370 million from the beginning of 2023. While implementing their business projects, they will create 3,400 jobs, because one of the key conditions to get a microgrant is that the entrepreneur must create 1-2 new jobs, depending on the amount of the grant. Since the start of the Vlasna Sprava program in July last year, grantees have committed to create more than 11,000 jobs,” said Tetiana Berezhna.

Among the recipients of the sixth wave of microgrants, 58% are women and 42% are men, and 75% of the winners have higher education. Most of them are from Lviv (60 people), Kyiv (42 people), Rivne (24 people), Vinnytsia (20 people), Ivano-Frankivsk (17 people) oblasts and the city of Kyiv (36 people).

The overwhelming majority of these entrepreneurs plan to use the microgrant funds to purchase equipment they need to run their businesses. 

The most popular sectors in which the grantees will operate are:

  • wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles – 96 people;
  • temporary accommodation and catering – 58 people;
  • processing industry – 46 people.

As a reminder, Ukrainians can receive a microgrant of UAH 50,000 to UAH 250,000 under the Vlasna Sprava grant program. The funds can be used to buy or lease equipment, purchase raw materials and supplies as well as rent premises. Both existing entrepreneurs and people with no experience can receive a microgrant. A prerequisite for receiving funds is the creation of 1-2 jobs. Ukrainians, who have received microgrants in 2022, will create about 8,000 new jobs.

This year, the budget provides for UAH 1.8 billion for the Vlasna Sprava program, which will allow issuing about 10,000 microgrants. 

The Government’s eRobota project includes grant programs aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation. Moreover, these include micro-grant programs for starting or developing a business, grants for establishing and developing processing enterprises, planting a garden, establishing viticulture and greenhouse facilities. Applications for all components of the eRobota program can be submitted via the Diia portal.

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