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How to get a grant to create a greenhouse farm

There is a government grant program for entrepreneurs willing to create and develop their own greenhouse farm. Participants can attract up to UAH 8 million for the construction of a light greenhouse module according to a standard project.

Economic entities, namely legal entities, private entrepreneurs, whose main activity is the cultivation of agricultural crops on their own or leased lands, can receive financing.

Requirements for the recipients of the grant include no entrepreneurship in the temporarily occupied territories and in the russian federation, not being sanctioned, no open bankruptcy case and debts to the state.

The first thousand applicants receive a grant in the amount of 70% of the project cost, and for subsequent applications, state co-financing is 50% of the project cost. Participants can also borrow funds under the “5-7-9” program for additional financing. 

To receive a grant, you need to prepare a business plan of your activities and submit it together with the application and the project of creating a modular greenhouse along with estimate documentation through the Diia Portal. A standard project is available on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Next, an entrepreneur shall open an account with an authorized bank branch intended only for the purposes of their business project. 

The decision to give a grant is made by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Food Ukraine within 10 days, provided that there is a correctly completed application with attachments. After receiving a positive conclusion on participation in the program, the entrepreneur shall transfer their part of the project cost to the bank account. The state then sends its share to the same account. 

The entrepreneur can use the grant only for the purposes defined by the program. This is the creation of a greenhouse, payment of wages, procurement of seed materials, fertilizers and equipment. The bank provides support for the recipient’s debit transactions from the account only in accordance with the planting project. 

A modular greenhouse shall be built by the recipient on lands, the ownership or the right of using which is confirmed by the appropriate title documents for a period of at least 7 years. After the end of construction, the recipient has the right to insure their production against the occurrence of natural risks and their share of the funds invested in the construction in case of the impact of military actions on the territory of Ukraine.

As part of the program, the participant shall implement the project within 12 months after receiving budget funds, create 40 new permanent and seasonal jobs, conduct business activities after the end of construction for at least 3 years, and pay taxes and fees. 

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