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Ukraine and NATO to strengthen economic cooperation
07.12.2022 | 17:23 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations.

Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Ihor Fomenko participated in the meeting of the Partnerships and Cooperative Security Committee (PCSC) held at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

“During the work, we certainly paid much attention to urgent issues. In particular, the technical assistance that the Alliance can provide us for the rapid restoration of critical infrastructure destroyed by the aggressor’s missile strikes.

Thus, the key topics of the event were the post-war recovery of the country and its economy. We have identified the development of the military-industrial complex, military and aerospace technologies as well as military-tech among the priority areas designed to become drivers of economic growth. And we must lay the foundation for future growth, including in cooperation with our partners, already today. As a result of the meeting, we can talk about strengthening the dialogue on the implementation of joint recovery plans,” Ihor Fomenko said.

The participants discussed options of Ukraine’s technical assistance to restore the energy sector during the meeting.

The Ukrainian side also raised the issue of strengthening bilateral support for Ukraine in the supply of air defence systems.

Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kyiv city,
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