The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine announces a tender for public-private partnership in the project “Reconstruction of existing and construction of new cargo terminal at the Boryspil Airport”.
The purpose of public-private partnership for the implementation of the project “Reconstruction of existing and construction of new cargo terminal at the Boryspil Airport” is:
modernization (partial reconstruction, technological re-equipment) of the warehouse infrastructure of existing cargo terminal of the Boryspil Airport;
construction of new modern cargo terminal at the Boryspil Airport;
handling of mail and cargo (registration of transport documentation, processing of baggage, mail and cargo, loading (unloading) on (from) board of an aircraft with the purpose of their transportation along the declared route subject to compliance with the requirements of aviation security, flight safety, ensuring transportation of dangerous and special cargoes) by using existing and constructed within PPP terminals at the Boryspil Airport.
Subject of Public-Private Partnership is an existing state-owned cargo terminal on the balance sheet of State Enterprise “Boryspil International Airport”, as well as new cargo terminal to be constructed by a private partner under the contract concluded within the framework of public-private partnership at this airport.
Term of public-private partnership: no more than 25 years.
Name of public partner: the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.
Type of contract to be concluded: mixed contract concluded within the framework of public-private partnership.
Bid submission term: 31 calendar days upon publication of this announcement.
Bid submission procedure is set out in the Instruction for Bidders, which can be obtained at the address: 14, Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, on any business day from 9:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m., Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 16:45 p.m.
Contact person: Alina Tymchenko, Tel.: 351-49-39.
Tender period: deadline for submission of tender proposals is 45 calendar days upon completion of bid submission term.
For more information on holding the tender please:
send a written request at the address: 14, Peremohy Ave., Kyiv;
by fax: 351-49-39;
e-mail: [email protected].
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine |
01008, Ukraine, Kiyv city, Grushevsky str., 12/2 |